Over the last few years the PBMS has conducted studies on metal concentration in predatory birds. A summary of this work was presented on 28th January 2025 to the metals working group for the H4: Exposure and adverse effects of chemicals on wildlife in the environment indicator. This indicator tracks changes in the exposure of wildlife to chemicals in the environment over time and considers the potential risks to wildlife from chemicals in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems.   

Our work has found that there are differences among species in the concentrations of metals accumulated in predatory birds, with time trends evident in some species and not others. We speculate that this may be a reflection of the differing diets of, and habitats used by, species. 

Recent PBMS publications relating to this include a paper reporting seasonal variations in lead (Pb), cadmium, arsenic and some essential metals in the livers of UK buzzards (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121308).  

The latest report on the H4 indicator that reports metal concentrations, in sparrowhawks and buzzards can be found here: Exposure and adverse effects of chemicals on wildlife in the environment.